Our Promise and Purpose
At WSHS, it is a key priority to ensure that our students learn their Hindi Language; and at the same time, Better Understand and Appreciate their Hindu Religion, Culture and Indian Heritage.
Our Hindi curriculum integrates critical learnings about the Hindu Religion, its Culture and the Indian Heritage within the 2-hour class.
A typical Hindi class (10am to 12pm) includes the following sequence:
- 10am to 10.15am – Hindu Religion: where students learn certain mantras, the actual meaning of the words that make up the mantras, and the value/purpose of these mantras. Students also learn the key principles and learnings surrounding main Hindu festivals like Diwali and Holi. It is our prime aim to ensure our students learn (in a friendly and encouraging environment) certain key aspects of our Hindu Religion, which they can build upon with family and friends over time.
- 10.15am to 10.50am – Hindi language
- 10.50am to 11.10am – 20 minutes break
- 11.10am to 11.45am – Hindi language
- 11.45am to 12pm – Indian Culture and Heritage: where students learn about the virtues and key principles of our Culture; and the rich history of our Indian Heritage. We highlight the contributions made by our Culture and people of our Indian Heritage towards the many crucial advancements in the universe over time (such as engineering, architecture, astronomy, Wireless Systems and IT, Medicinal advancements/breakthrough cures etc). The key purpose of this session is to provide our students with the knowledge of the key role our people of Indian Heritage have played towards the well-being of the world so that they grow up as proud individuals of Indian Heritage.
Teaching and Learning the Hindi language is important; however, WSHS prides itself on its curriculum and content whereby we impart onto our Students the knowledge of their rich Culture, Heritage and Identity.
It is Our Promise to Provide our Children the Platform to Learn their Language, and Better Appreciate our Culture and Indian Heritage!
It is Our Purpose to Ensure that our Students Learn their mother-tongue Hindi Language and Grow up as Proud Individuals of Indian Heritage!